Additionally, you can also add delays manually. Now, you cas select each step from the macro and delete any unwanted clicks by clicking on the “Delete” button. You can check out the below image for reference. Everything will be added into the macro. Hit “Start Recording” option and move your mouse across the screen and start clicking everywhere you want to click. Select only “Mouse Clicks” and “Click Position” options for the autoclicker macro. Launch the macro gamer on your windows pc. You can follow the below guidelines to capture only the mouse clicks in your macro. Let’s say for example, you need only clicks and you would want to use them on the roblox or minecraft game. How To Make MacroGamer As Your AutoClicker? Here Is A List Of Best Guides That We Have Written For You: If you can clearly observe the scripts added into the macro, you will be able to see mouse moves, delays, mouse clicks, etc.
Now, hit “Stop Recording” option to end the recording. Everything will be recorded as shown in the above image.Now, click on the areas of the screen by moving your mouse and also enter the keys from the keyboard.Now, click “Start Recording” button to record the mouse clicks, mouse moves and the key strokes.Select or de-select the options “Record Delays”, “Mouse Moves”, “Mouse Clicks” and “Click Position” based on your objectives.You can select what to record and what not to record.Now, click “Create New” button to start creating a new macro.Go back to the desktop and double click the macrogamer shortcut to launch it.Select the destination folder and also select the desktop shortcut and hit “Close” button. Double click the installation file, hit Next and click Next again if asked.Otherwise, check out the next step to know how to install it.
The same are available on our homepage itself.
Once it is downloaded, you can follow the instructions to install it. First of everything, you should download macro gamerfrom our home page. Let’s now check out the steps to create the macros manually. Additionally, you can follow our steps exactly in order to be able to create a macro script and an autoclick script as well. We have shared the detailed instructions that you can follow in order to create, import, edit and activate the macros on your own. Here is a short guide to create macros on macrogamer tool.